When creating more brand awareness around a product or service, it’s essential to simplify your message. According to the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, 50% of adults in the United States can’t read a book written at an 8th-grade reading level. Even if your target demographic is well-read, keeping your message clear and to the point has many benefits. Keeping it simple doesn’t mean your diminishing what your offering; it means your catering to the needs of your potential consumers. We’ve outlined three tips that will keep your messaging simple and straight to the point.
#1 Industry jargon lingo, is not “it”!
Industry jargon only attracts other people in your field, not your consumers. The new clients or potential consumers will be turned off or confused by the wording. The overall goal is to have your clients feeling comfortable enough to buy what you’re selling. The public wants to be able to relate and have an informational conversation, without feeling lesser than for not knowing certain words.
Think of it this way… When you communicate with other people, even to explain what you do for a living, you tend to be more conversational, use analogies, and try to connect personally with whoever you’re speaking to, right? So why not use this logic with your potential consumers? With this logic, you’re able to connect on a deeper level. We would never want a potential consumer left scratching their heads in confusion. According to Copypress.com, simpler words are searched on Google. For example, Falconer discovered this with the phrases “sales tax recovery” and “sales tax refund.” Sales tax recovery was the “proper term,” but the majority of people were searching for, “sales tax refund.” That one word was the difference between 170 monthly searches and 5,400 monthly searches.
Test language for common understanding. As we get comfortable in our bubbles, it’s hard to recognize what’s jargon and what isn’t. Try presenting your marketing materials and content to people outside your industry for their feedback.
#2 Wordier is not better.
Avoid pretentious-sounding words (why say ‘utilize’ when you can say ‘use’?). Secondly, Avoid buzzwords (you know, words that are simply used to impress others? Yea, nobody wants to hear them). Thirdly, avoid acronyms (what does WIP mean?). Lastly, think about how you would speak to a friend or a parent, someone not in your line of business. If it takes you a thousand years to explain what you’re providing, we promise no one is buying it. Eliminate words that define the obvious or provide excessive detail. If passages teach or describe features that would already be obvious to readers, delete or reword them.
For example:
Wordy: Imagine a mental picture of someone engaged in the intellectual activity of trying to learn what the rules are for how to play the game of chess.
Concise: Imagine someone trying to learn the rules of chess.
#3 Incorporate your brand story.
The public wants to be comfortable with whatever you’re selling. Incorporating your brand story is another way to relate to customers and clients. Letting clients listen to the passion behind the brand allows potential consumers to connect to you. The connection is vital! Your story allows potential consumers to see how beneficial your product or service will be to their life. It will enable them to view the best version of themselves with your offerings in mind. If you’re wondering how to include your brand story into your messaging, use our digital product, “BrandYou Storytelling.”stra